Big Question #2: Is Evergreen Academy a good fit for my Family?
Which educational model is the best fit for your family?
Part of answering Big Question #2 is getting a better idea of what educational model is likely the best fit for your family - it might be ours...or not and that's OK. When exploring this, you may find it helpful to consider the dimensions and key questions listed below:
Public vs. Private vs. Home School
A government-funded, tuition-free school provided to residents of a particular geographic area. This educational model is often characterized by highly structured schedules, curriculum and extra-curriculars (sports, band, etc.) Curriculum is delivered by state-certified teachers. Charter Schools, Magnet Schools and Online options are variations on this model.
A privately-funded school provided to families that qualify and have the financial means to fulfill the tuition requirements, often with scholarship options available to those who cannot afford it. Teacher certification requirements and regulations vary by state. Parochial (religious) and Charter Schools are variations on this model.
Educational model involving parents who choose to educate their child at home rather than send them to a public or private school. Requirements and regulations vary by state. Curriculum is most often delivered by parent(s) using various programs and methodologies of their choice. Unschooling, Home school Co-ops and Home school Hybrids are variations on this model.
Traditional vs. Non-Traditional
A traditional educational model is often characterized by the following:
While many non-traditional educational models exist, most deviate from the Traditional model by providing some combination of:
Teacher-Driven vs. Parent-Driven vs. Learner-Driven
In this particular educational model, it is the Teacher who is held primarily responsible for engaging, equipping and inspiring students to participate in the learning process and drive academic achievement and outcomes.
In this particular educational model, the parent fulfills the role as Teacher. They are ultimately held responsible for engaging, equipping and inspiring students to participate in the learning process and drive academic achievement and outcomes.
In this particular educational model, the instructional focus and delivery is shifted to the learner. An emphasis is put on equipping students to create, manage and optimize their unique educational journey, so it is they who are ultimately responsible for driving academic achievement and outcomes.
Key Questions to Ask
While all 3 parties are key in the educational process, who do you truly believe is ultimately responsible for driving your child's educational experience? (Teacher, Parent, or Learner)
If you are drawn to Learner-Driven models, to what extent are you willing to step back and allow your child to struggle and (perhaps even) fail? What strategies and boundaries will you employ to ensure that you do not undermine their educational journey?
You Know You're an Evergreen Parent If...
Families who thrive in a learner-driven community, like Evergreen, often have these 4 things in common. We thought we'd mix it up a bit so we've outlined them in a series of Haikus. If all of these resonate with you as a parent, Evergreen just might be a fit for your family:
Life-long Learner
Always curious, Prefer "Surprised" over "Right", Learn to Learn, Do, Be.
They care most about The Process and Mastery - Excellence follows.
The Gift of Accountability
They likely respond To accountability With deep gratitude.
Heroic Approach to Life
Parent AND Person On a true Hero’s Journey - Setbacks will transform.
Who's Not a Fit: It's All in the Response to "The Struggle"
Let's be real. As parents, we ALL struggle with the following (some more than others):
Need to be in Control
Need to be Right
Need to look good to others
Parents who choose to feed these needs tend to struggle at Evergreen Academy in ways that are not helpful for their families.
Parents look for ways to transform these needs into personal growth opportunities tend to thrive in the Evergreen community.
The Importance of Philosophical Alignment
Families that are most likely to thrive tend to be those where BOTH parents AND young learner are in alignment with Evergreen Academy's philosophical foundation.
When either a parent or learner is not "bought in" to this particular educational model, the family may struggle to find balance between expectations, accountability, engagement and overall learning experience.
Not everyone is a fit for Evergreen Academy NWA, and that's okay. Better to figure that out now and invest your money, time, energy & emotions into a school that is more in line with what your family needs!